Viscosity's Blog

Beyond Borders: The LAOUC Community Tour's Epic Adventure and What Lies Ahead from Viscosity's Bright Minds - Charles Kim, Julio Ayapan, and Sean Scott

Written by Alina Skrypynets | Sep 10, 2024 4:07:25 PM

It's time to share the amazing experiences we had during the LAOUC Community Tour! If you followed us on social media, you already caught glimpses of our journey through vibrant cities across Latin America. But while the memories are still fresh, we wanted to give you an insider's perspective on what it was truly like. 


Charles Kim, CEO of Viscosity, Oracle ACE Director: “From Mexico to Costa Rica: A Rewarding Journey of Education and Inspiration” 

“The LAOUC Community Tour never fails to impress, and this year was no different. Kicking off in Mexico City, the event was extremely well-organized, and I was particularly struck by the attention to detail, especially the badges. Each attendee had their schedule printed on the back of their badge, which kept things running smoothly and also showed the thoughtfulness behind the planning. The audience was so engaged that we had people standing during my keynote, eager to absorb every bit of insight. As speakers, we were genuinely taken care of, and it's that level of care that made us feel appreciated and fueled our energy for each presentation. 

Mexico City, with its vibrant culture and palpable energy, set the tone for the rest of the tour. But Costa Rica brought its own unique charm. The hospitality was off the charts—the organizers were incredibly warm, welcoming, and attentive to every detail. One thing that stood out was the incredible enthusiasm of the students. Their questions about AI, technology, and future career paths were sharp and thoughtful, reflecting a genuine curiosity. You could feel the excitement in the room.

The university settings for both Mexico and Costa Rica had a particular significance. It wasn’t just about sharing knowledge with seasoned professionals but about shaping the future of technology with eager college students who were like sponges, soaking in everything we had to offer. These students are the future of their countries' technology roadmaps, and being a part of that journey is deeply rewarding. 

The tour wasn’t just about the presentations. It was about connecting with the next generation and showing them that technology is not some distant, unapproachable concept. It’s their future, and they’re already a part of it. I left both Mexico and Costa Rica with a sense of fulfillment, knowing that the seeds planted there could grow into something remarkable.” 


Julio Ayapan, Senior Database Administrator at Viscosity, Oracle ACE Alum: “From Earthquakes to Extraordinary Feasts—An Unforgettable Journey Through Mexico and Costa Rica”

“For me, Mexico and Costa Rica are hands down the best places to visit. The landscapes are breathtaking, the food is unforgettable, and the people? Well, they make the whole experience worthwhile. Both countries are rich in culture and flavor, but beyond that, what made the trip truly special was the Oracle community. 

There’s an enthusiasm in these countries that's contagious. The community is so eager to grow and learn, and sharing my experiences with them felt incredibly rewarding. I remember how the attendees asked deep questions about database technologies, especially in relation to their own unique environments. They were engaged, curious, and driven, which made every session fulfilling. 

Of course, not everything was predictable! In Mexico City, we experienced an unexpected (and unforgettable) moment when the earthquake alarm suddenly went off. At first, we weren’t sure if it was a drill, but as we evacuated, we quickly realized it was the real deal. Fortunately, everything was fine, and after a short break, we were right back at it. It was an odd, yet reassuring moment that showed the resilience of our Oracle community—nothing can stop us from learning and growing together.

The downtime also brought its share of unforgettable experiences. From indulging in local delicacies to enjoying conversations that steered away from work and into personal stories, I found myself immersed in the warmth and hospitality of the people. The Oracle community in Latin America is about more than just databases and technology—it’s about people coming together, sharing, and growing. And that’s something that makes this journey stand out time and time again.”


Sean Scott, Managing Principal Consultant, Oracle ACE Director: “Beyond the Numbers: Over 27,500 km, nine countries, 84 miles walked, 16 presentations— Whoa!” 

“Another LAOUC Tour is over! During the tour, I flew over 27,500 km in 26 days, visited nine countries (and landed in two others), walked 84 total miles, gave 16 presentations, participated in a speaker panel, gave three interviews, signed four copies of my book, and presented sessions in Spanish for the first time! 

The numbers don't tell the whole story, though. What stands out most about the LAOUC Tour is the community and culture. Events are less conferences than reunions for an extended Oracle family. It's seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Embraces outnumber handshakes. And, of course, there's the food! Organizers in every country are eager to showcase local, traditional fare, and I sense a friendly competition to coax (or bribe) visitors into naming a favorite! (Looking at you, Panama, seating me across from a former Miss Panama!) 


The conversation topics during meals, driving in taxis, or waiting in airports are much different than I see in the US and parts of Europe. While we tend to focus on work, even in the off-hours, the discussions steer to more important things in Latin America. Our families and homes, reflecting on shared or unique experiences, travel, places we've visited, culture, language, and food. It may have something to do with spending time with a close-knit group of friends and fellow travelers for days (or weeks!) on end. It could be the makeup of the group itself. Most of the speakers (and many event attendees) speak two or more languages. It's a well-traveled group representing multiple countries and with diverse backgrounds and experiences. But, I think the real reason is the importance of family and friendships in Latin cultures. 


There are downsides. The schedule is exhausting—a nearly four-week cycle of flight, taxi, hotel, conference, hotel, taxi, repeat. The days start early and continue late into the evenings, and, on more than one occasion, days ran together thanks to early-morning departures. There's not enough time to actually see the cities you're visiting. But those are eclipsed by a thousand small but magical memories, meals, and moments. Traveling from summer to winter and back. Margaritas, thunderstorms, an earthquake alert, and a volcanic eruption in Mexico. Ice cream prepared table-side in Guatemala. Signing books and coffee shopping in Costa Rica. Reuniting with 'family' in Panama. A rare weekend in Chile spent exploring Santiago, visiting shops and markets, and sampling the local cuisine. Sharing Pão de Queijo (and an Uber) with my friend, Rolando, in São Paulo, Brazil. Roaming Montevideo, photographing street art before a welcome lunch in the famous Mercado del Puerto. Enjoying a tango show (aton the spur of the moment!) with my friends Marcus and Caroline. And bringing it all to a close, a massive turnout in Asuncion! 


The LAOUC Community Tour has come to a close, but the impact of our travels will linger long after. From the detailed planning in Mexico City to the heartfelt hospitality in Costa Rica and the memorable stories shared by Charles, Julio, and Sean in all the countries, this tour was a celebration of both learning and camaraderie. We can’t wait to embark on the next adventure with you. Stay tuned, and get ready to join us for another round of inspiring events and vibrant connections on next year’s tour! 😎🌍