Inside VNA

Rodolfo Rodriguez, Software Architect at Viscosity, Opens Up About His Rise From TRS-80 in Tech: Why He’s a ‘Python’ of the Industry!

Written by Alina Skrypynets | May 21, 2024 5:14:34 PM

Today marks the start of a captivating series of articles, "Inside VNA," where we shine a spotlight on the exceptional individuals who make up the heart and soul of Viscosity. Through their stories, we aim to inspire and empower professionals across industries, showcasing the incredible talent, resilience, and innovation that defines our team. Our first hero in this series is Rodolfo Rodriguez, Software Developer at Viscosity North America. 


Do you remember when you got your first computer? What was it? 

Absolutely! I remember being just 12 years old at the time and getting my hands on that TRS-80 Color Computer 2 was like hitting the jackpot. You have to understand, having a computer back then, especially in Venezuela, was pretty rare. It wasn't like today where everyone has one. Back then, it was all about those big computers like IBM, you know? It was The Tandy Coco 2. So yeah, having that computer was a big deal among my friends and me. It was like being part of this cool tech club or something! 

(The TRS-80 Color Computer 2, also known as the CoCo 2, is a home computer released by Tandy Corporation (RadioShack) in 1983. The CoCo 2 was popular for its affordability and versatility, and it had a dedicated user community that developed a wide range of software and hardware add-ons for the system.).  

That's such an interesting story! It's amazing how technology has impacted our lives. Speaking of which, after getting your hands on that TRS-80, I'm curious, at what age did you dive into your first programming project? 
Ah, I remember it vividly. It wasn't an immediate leap into programming after I got my hands on the TRS-80. Instead, I stumbled upon some magazines that featured beginner-level programming tutorials. It was like unlocking a whole new world! I would meticulously copy the code from these magazines, and voila, magic would happen on the screen. BASIC was the language of choice back then, and it became my gateway into the world of programming. From there, I was completely hooked on computers and programming. 

Can you pinpoint the moment when you realized that writing code, crafting algorithms, and creating software applications were your passions? What motivated you to pursue a career in this industry? 
Yeah, I'd say it was during high school when I started taking those computer classes that things really clicked for me. Before that, I was considering going into chemistry or something like that. But once I started diving into computer science, learning about solutions, architectures, and all things related to computers and the tech industry, I knew that was where I belonged. So, I decided to pursue a technical career focusing on programming. I landed my first job at around 17 or 18 years old, starting as an intern at a big company in my country. Eventually, they offered me a full-time position. My journey started with Oracle Database Version 6 and Forms 2.3, and I've continued to expand my expertise in Oracle technologies ever since. In my country, an engineering career typically lasts about five years, so I pursued that while working. It was a straightforward journey from high school to the workforce and eventually earning my engineering degree.  

Was there any mentor in your life back then who motivated you to start this career? 
So, during my time at that company, I had the privilege of meeting a truly remarkable individual, Rafael Rodriguez. Interestingly, we share the same last name. Rafa, as I affectionately call him, was always there, offering unwavering support and encouragement every step of the way. It was Rafa who urged me to pursue and complete my engineering degree. We worked together for many years, and even when I eventually left Venezuela and migrated to the States, our bond remained strong. Life takes its twists and turns, but Rafa's impact on my journey has been profound and enduring. 

I didn’t know that you were from Venezuela. 
Indeed. It's interesting how my work and travels with Rafael eventually led me to the United States. We attended conferences like ODTUG Kscope, and those experiences opened up new opportunities for me professionally. The connections I made and the knowledge I gained during those trips were invaluable. Eventually, a few years later, I think it was around 2015, Rafael and I teamed up to do a presentation at Kscope. 

I got it. How did you come to work at Viscosity? What was your journey? 
I actually came across the opportunity at Viscosity through a friend of mine who works at Oracle. He reached out to me and mentioned that Viscosity was looking for someone with my skillset, particularly in Oracle and APEX. He facilitated the initial connection, which eventually led to me getting in touch with the team at Viscosity and ultimately landing the job. 

What do you value about working at Viscosity? 
Well, it's the people-first culture. Here, it's all about fostering teamwork and support. You know, what I really appreciate about Viscosity is the brilliant minds that make up the team. I've learned so much from everyone here, especially in areas like AI and data science, which I never expected. While my focus has always been on databases and applications, staying on top of the latest tech trends is key. So, I'm always studying and striving to be at the forefront. 

What project do you consider the most successful or exciting at Viscosity? 
I’d say probably the project I’d completed a few months ago. It was a big client. It spanned almost three years and involved building an AP custom module integrated with Oracle Fusion ERP. What made it unique was our integration of AI and OCR technology, automating invoice processing seamlessly into Oracle. It was my first dive into machine learning, and it was incredibly successful.  

And the last question is, if you were a programming language, which one would you be and why? 
Haha, what a great question! If I were a programming language, I'd definitely choose Python. It's just like me - versatile, flexible, and pretty amazing, if I do say so myself! (laughing) 😂 

Sounds cool 😀 Thank you for sharing your story with us. 

Short info: 

Rodolfo Rodriguez is a seasoned Software Engineer with over 25 years of expertise in developing, maintaining, and implementing applications across various domains, including financial systems, human resources, and personnel administration. He excels in managing technology projects with precision and proficiency.