Inside VNA

The Ultimate Multitasker: How Sophie Aaron Balances 15 Projects and a Black Belt in Hawaiian Kempo

Written by Alina Skrypynets | Jul 23, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Behind every great company are the people who drive its success. In our captivating series, "Inside VNA," we delve into the lives of the extraordinary individuals who make Viscosity North America a leader in innovation. Today, we shine the spotlight on Sophie Aaron, a Project Manager whose unique blend of technical expertise, empathy, and organizational prowess is nothing short of inspiring. 

Hey Sophie, you’re the first project manager I get to interview for our "Inside VNA" series β€” how exciting! So, tell me, what are the unique quirks of being a project manager in the tech and IT world? And what hard and soft skills do you think are crucial for nailing this role? 
Yeah, that's a good question. In tech and IT, it's especially beneficial to have some foundational knowledge, what I like to call "floor experience," in the technology you're dealing with. While technical skills aren't mandatory, they do enhance efficiency by providing context. 


Having empathy is crucial since you're managing people. It's important to understand their perspectives and manage the team effectively. Organizational skills and the ability to prioritize tasks are also essential. As a project manager, knowing which questions to ask to get to the critical information is key. Overall, it's about striking a balance β€” being a good navigator without becoming a backseat driver β€” supporting your team while allowing them the autonomy to excel in their roles. 


True. Can you share with us your background and how you started your career in this field? 
Yeah, I studied business in college with a focus on information systems for IT and project management. It's rare these days to align your degree so closely with your career path. After college, I pursued a graduate degree in MIS (Management Information Systems) and began my career as an account and project manager at a software company. Before joining Viscosity, which perfectly aligns with my background and interests, I worked at a marketing agency specializing in financial advisor campaigns. 

What do you believe will help IT project managers keep their jobs secure in the future, especially as AI continues to replace many roles? 

I'm not overly concerned about AI replacing us, but I do see a shift. Tasks like admin and reporting are increasingly automated. Our role is evolving towards more people management rather than manual tasks. As long as we can manage teams effectively and handle projects requiring hands-on attention, I believe project managers are secure. 

Alright. How many projects do you typically handle simultaneously? 

Well, it depends. Right now, I handle about 15 customer accounts in total. Around two-thirds of them are managed services, so they involve active day-to-day project tracking. These are more about running and maintaining services for our customers, which means they require lighter project management activity. 

The remaining third consists of more active projects, typically about four to five at any given time. Resources across projects overlap, especially on the infrastructure side, which helps streamline coordination. Our team is fortunate to have excellent communication and a supportive environment. When someone needs assistance, another project manager with more availability can step in to help out. 


Speaking of projects, can you recall a particularly challenging one? What made it so difficult? 

Oh, boy. Well, the most challenging projects are usually those with multiple stakeholders involved. On the database side, we often deal with systems shared by other teams in the client's company. Coordinating tasks like server restarts requires aligning schedules with several teams to ensure necessary downtime. Additionally, some clients involve multiple consulting firms, adding complexity to prioritization and communication in larger projects. So, it's just a balance of priorities and communication on those bigger projects. 


On the flip side, are there any projects that you are particularly proud of? 
Yes, absolutely! We recently tackled a project where we had to upgrade our client's Oracle databases from a very outdated and soon-to-be unsupported version to one of the currently supported versions. They had fallen significantly behind in their updates, which made the migration more challenging. We had to juggle various tasks and find workarounds while collaborating closely with Oracle support to ensure our solutions were feasible. We just completed that project recently, and it was a satisfying closure for us. 


Good to hear that. As you mentioned, you handle a lot of projects and juggle multiple tasks. Do you have any specific habits or strategies that help you keep everything running smoothly and well-organized? 
Certainly. I rely heavily on notetaking to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Whether it's jotting down action items during meetings or recording calls, I find that keeping detailed records helps me stay on top of tasks. We also maintain weekly status reports for each project, which are crucial for tracking progress and following up on action items. Regular team meetings are another essential practice, allowing us to address any open issues promptly. At Viscosity, we use a RAID log to manage risks and issues proactively, ensuring both our team and clients are well-informed and prepared. 

What do you enjoy most about working here at Viscosity? 

The people, for sure. Everybody here is really supportive. We're very communicative with each other, and our main focus is always on the customer. Everything we do is aimed at delivering a great product or service according to what we've agreed upon with them. Another thing I value about Viscosity is my autonomy. There's a lot of trust given here to everybody. 


The project managers are like consultants, so being here at Viscosity really says something about you. We have a lot of Oracle ACEs and skilled professionals who've been in the industry for a while. It's pretty special to be part of a company that attracts such talent and respect. 

Hundred percent. Speaking of wild scenarios, if you were stuck on a deserted island and could bring just one piece of tech with you, what would it be? 

I think, like everyone else, I'd have to go with my phone. It's like a Swiss Army knife of survival tools, assuming there's service, of course! πŸ˜‚ 

Absolutely. Do you have any interesting or fun facts about you that most people at Viscosity might not know? 

That's funny because I do have a fact, but pretty much everybody I work with already knows this. It ties back to what I mentioned earlier about how we value both our professional and personal relationships here at Viscosity. I'm actually a second-degree black belt in Hawaiian Kempo, which is a mixed martial art combining kickboxing and jiujitsu. It's funny because sometimes Leisa jokes about pulling me in if there are any issues or struggles. 

Haha, so it's better not to mess with you! 

That's what everybody says. (laughing) 

And on a final note, name a book or movie that has recently inspired you or left a lasting impression. Anything you'd recommend or like to share?  

Recently, I've been watching this show called Mr. Robot. Have you heard of it? It's been around for maybe 5 to 10 years. It's really intriguing because it follows this cybersecurity engineer who's also a hacker and deals with social anxiety and what they call dissociative identity disorder. He gets recruited into this group of hacktivists aiming to erase everyone's debt records in the U.S. It's not that it inspired me or anything β€” I'm definitely not looking to start hacking! But it's a gripping thriller with a great storyline, gets pretty political too, and feels very relevant to today's issues. Definitely worth checking out if you're into that sort of thing.  


Sophie Aaron (Gomez) is an experienced Project Manager at Viscosity North America. Her core focus is Database Managed Services and Infrastructure-based projects such as Database upgrades & migrations, primarily in Oracle space.